Just not my GAME

I have been frequently asked about the topic lately.
I have only one thought, which is marriage is not a filial duty neither merely a certificate.
Besides love and affection, it includes commitment, loyalty, trustworthy, responsibility, finance, families...
Indeed, it is, both practically and technically.
Marriage is not meant for everyone.
Some might disagree.
After all, it is my thought, you may ban the idea.

Marriage does not turn up to be fairy tale all the time, like 'Cinderella and the Prince'.
There are ups and downs, especially when it reaches a bottle-neck.
Two parties begin to question and contemplate on how to keep the journey going.
Some lucky ones, at just fingertips, readily squeeze through the bottle-neck and meet another honeymoon in their marriage. 
What happens to those unfortunate?
Some drop their signatures on documents, walk out of attorney office, step on two anti-parallel paths and never meet again thereafter.
Some, painfully and pathetically, cling on each others till the last breaths.
You may argue, it is out of love.
To me, it is pathetic.
Not being pessimistic, but marriage isn't my game.

Married or not?
Just not my game. 


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